of the day

all the best top 5 lists in one


top 5 cover songs of all time

#1] "blinded by the light," by thin lizzie
#2] "born to run," by melissa etheridge
#3] "live & let die," by guns n' roses
#4] "i will always Love you," by whitney houston
#5] "knockin' on heaven's door," by eric clapton


childhood mispronunciation of the day

i used to call it "farmer john cheese." parmesan wasn't in my vocbulary, so i substituted the closest words i knew.


knock-knock joke of the day

mary: knock knock.
daddy: who's there?
mary: babana.
daddy: banana who?
mary: babana you!
(45 seconds of hiysterical laughter, then)
mary: knock knock.
daddy: who's there?
mary: babana.
daddy: banana who?
mary: babana you!
(repeat several hundred times, laughing longer & louder w/ each repetition.)


irony of the day

wouldn't you expect a song about irony to actually include examples thereof? rain on your wedding day isn't ironic; it's actually considered good luck. a green light when you're already late? also not ironic. now, if the green light made you late, that'd be ironic. once you're late, a green light is meaningless. it's not even luck (good, or bad).
irony is the guy who gets shot, & credits his assailant w/ saving his life. seems he had an undetected cancerous tumor, which never would've been found if he hadn't been in the ER that day. that's irony.


weed of the day

the dandelion. i just Love dandelions. their name is actually derived from the french, "dan de lion," meaning, "lion's mane." and they weren't considered weeds in europe, where they were cultivated. they were brought to the new world &, like everyone else, Loved it so much, they decided to stay.

now, they just hang around on a warm breeze. i could use a warm breeze. i guess i'll have to find some dandelions; that's where the breezes always blow.

yes, ranting, i know. to bed w/ me, then. & it's about time.


tough-guy phrase of the day

"if ya wanna bring beef, ya better serve it well done!"


theatrical score of the day

"imperial march," from star wars. (also my boss' ringtone on my cell phone.)


quote of the day

"leave the girl alone; she was only punched by one country."